More Flavor
Role: Designer
The thing about bitters is that to the novice, at-home bartender, they can be kind of daunting. The goal of these graphics was to educate the everyday mixologist on how easy it is to elevate a drink with just a few drops of Scrappy's Bitters. Now they could recreate their usual from their favorite bar from the comfort of their own home. Originally, they were meant to serve as posters people could purchase online, but I chose to take it one step further and turn the posters into easily digestible social media posts that could be saved and shared digitally.
More Projects
Agua Bonita WebsiteProject type
OOH Retail Launch CampaignProject type
Agua Bonita Packaging DesignProject type
Agua Bonita PhotographyProject type
Creative PortraitsProject type
Product PhotographyProject type
Flamin' HotProject type
Senior Show ExhibitionProject type
Scrappy's BittersProject type
LinkedIn: @dillon_ivory
Instagram: @dillon_ivory
TikTok: @dillonivory
© Dillon Johnson 2023 // Photographer, Art Director, Graphic Designer